
Well, I don't know what to write. Maybe if it weren't for all this fucking work, I'd be make more of these blogs. But probably not, because it's a pain in the arse. I know you don't care what I get up to and I don't really care to let you know. So there. Maybe, just maybe, if I can be bothered, I'll start something semi-regular during the summer. But I doubt it. Go and cry.


So, it's approaching 6am, I'm sitting here in my dressing gown, staring at the page of some slow as shit forum, tapping F5 every now and then so my hands have something to do. I would sleep but I'm not tired, so it looks like I'll be screwing up my sleep pattern again. This is probably the third or fourth time this month that this has happened and it's starting to become something of a nuisance. I was playing Pokemon earlier and got to some marsh-safari zone type bollocks; after arsing around in there for something like half an hour I realised that it was the same five or six fucking Pokemon I was encountering. So I thought 'fuck that shit' and turned it off.



This is the reason I have not updated the blog in a while. In Miku form.


I have nothing to say but feel it is necessary to update this once in a while.

Regarding the lack of Genshiken in the average bookshop

Having recently completed the Genshiken anime (and loving it), I felt it was necessary to purchase the manga. After checking every bookshop in Preston I came to the conclusion that the UK does not like selling good manga. At least not on the high street. So, I continued my campaign online. After realising that I do not own a debit card (because I am a faggot) I got angry and stuff. Not sure where I'm going with this, but ENGLAND SUCKS AT MAKING ME HAPPY. At least I've got tea.


Looking for something else to fill the spare hours I somehow accumulate, I have made the decision to get into this blogging shit. To be honest, my life is pretty damn uneventful, but every so often, something mildly interesting happens. At these points I think to myself, "gee, wouldn't it be great if I had some sort of online diary to record these events", despite knowing that nobody will read this.

My largest hobbies at present are anime & mahjong, so you'll be hearing a lot about that weeaboo shit. If I'm feeling particularly eloquent (not very often), there will be reviews or some shit. But yeah, this is it for now. Bye.